Page 1259 - Green Is Your Color“Gosh, wish I could use some of these cool Queen Chrysalis screencaps from future seasons, but where am I going to find the opportunity to waaaiiit a minute…”
DM: At any rate, Yona has basically escaped. Ocellus?
Ocellus (TS): Am I still with the two totally-not-evil changelings?
Changeling 1: Weeellllll great talk, Your Majesty. We’ll get back to capturing ponies and draining their love.
Changeling 2: Just as you ordered, my Queen.
Ocellus (TS): Majesty? Queen? What??
DM: You feel… different. The nearest pod has a reflective surface. And in it, you don’t see Ocellus. You see a twisted, sickly, hollow, yet terrifying changeling queen of old, a fey nightmare and conquerer. When you look down at your own hooves, you realize that you’ve actually changed. You’re taller, darker, more powerful and dangerous. And you can’t seem to use your natural abilities to change back.
Ocellus / Chrysalis (TS): Oh. … “More powerful”… you say…?
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