Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Serious, reticent, arranged.
After drinking Sparkle Cola/ Coffy etc.- like… Pinkie and Cheese in one person?
She have an ‘allergy’ on Caffeine.
That’s why her parents call her Party Machine.
Best friend: Shiny Note
Special somepony: — (soon- Shiny Note)
Cutie Mark: Duracell batery
Dark Gem
Parents: Rarity and Thunderlane
Womenly, chatterbox, perceptive.
Her biological father is Thunderlane, but after Rarity broke up with him her new father is Trenderhoof.
She have a crush on Rainbow Wave.
She also loves flying and want to became a Wonderbolt.
Best friend: Rainbow Wave
Special somepony: —
Cutie Mark: Blue Gem with grey wings
Rainbow Wave
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin
Taciturn dreary sluggard.
His parents are dead after Wonderlot’s rescue action with tornado.
He lives with rarity’s family.
He doesn’t want to be a wonderbolt.
He also doesn’t like Dark Gem ‘this’ way.
Best friend: —
Special somepony: —
Cutie Mark: White wing with ribbons (orange, blue and green)
Starlight Twinkle
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash sentry
Serious, prudent, inattentive.
Young alicorn princess.
She loves her brother.
She can’t fly.
Best friend: Silver Shield
Special somepony: —
Cutie Mark: 3 stars- 2 grey and one pink
Silver Shield
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
Brave, cheerful, helpful.
Yound prince.
He wants to be a royal guard and everytime watch over his sister.
Best friend: Starlight Twinkle
Special somepony: —
Cutie Mark: Silver shield witk pink star.
Parents: Applejack and Braeburn
Sickly, weak, cheerful.
Most of the time he spend at home.
He can’t help at Sweet Apple Acres because he’s too week and sickly.
Really close to Granny Smith, after she died he clamed up.
Best friend: Ethan
Special somepony: —
Cutie Mark: Not yet
Parents: Applejack and Braeburn
Cheerful, diligent, sincere.