I drew this after the season 5 finale but misplaced it before i had the chance to scan it
Anyway, yesterday while looking fore somwthing (really i should organise my art supplies better) i found it with Trixie and Twi
A lil’ headcanon meybe?
I like to think that after she ran into the caves she was attacked by some kind of beast that left her the scar on her back. She couldn’t see it clearly beacuse, well, she was kind of busy trying to stay alive and after she escaped the caves and started to plan her revenge she completly forgot the incident until she told Twilight. The little description she could give Twi dind’t match any creature from her books so basically Starlight was attacked either by some yet undiscovered creature or by an ancient beast lurking the caves (my favorite version is the second one hehe)
Man I’m bad at writting these descriptions,sorry “