Now before everyone goes off on a tangent when it comes to what this comic is supposed to be conveying, let me lay down some ground rules:
I’m not someone who’s in the habit of drawing young girls naked, especially one’s who are supposed to be not even out of High School, so don’t read too much into that. :P
I’m not sure what genetic car accident happened with Rainbow Dash, but we just can’t accept that she has naturally rainbow colored hair. I suppose you can argue that with the others (apart from Applejack who seems to be the most normal of the lot), but RD seems to put a lot of weight behind her reputation, which allows for an endless scope of jokes to be thrown at this. ;P
I’ve had complaints about Rainbow Dash’s dialogue before when it comes to my writing of her, I’d just like to quickly point out that I’m not a 17 year old American tomboy, I am in fact a British railway artist who’s just entered his 20’s, so I haven’t the faintest idea how American girls of this age group speak (apart from what I’ve gathered from the show). :P
I’ve attempted to give the Equestria Girls designs more normal skin tones as part of an experiment, and I think I’ve done rather well. I’ve also changed their clothes a bit to something I felt would have suited them better. No more Sailor Moon style miniskirts here! We wear more contemporary things! :)
Yes, that black censor bar is going to stay, so if you were thinking of having a good time with Rainbow Dash’s privates, sorry to disappoint…