After Rainbow was atomic wedgied by Derpy, she had to skirt Derpy in public to expose more her white panties, with the upside down text ’I ♥ MUFFINS’ still written at the back when she was atomic wedgied by Rainbow, Derpy notices and jumps to pull up her skirt, calls Rainbow a ’pervert’ and then skirts/pants Rainbow exposing her rainbow panties with the upside down funny angry face still drawn. After this, Celestia saw everything and told both Derpy and Rainbow to come over to her office.
Also, why is the 16th pannel an ’unused’ filler? Well, I was going to draw it after the pannel were Rainbow giggles while looking at Derpy’s butt, but I forgot it… Duh… Well, on the planned digital version that will be corrected.