-Applejack is the little sister of Apple Bloom. She looks up to her sister and hopes to be just like her someday, even striving to be an artist, too. She is the leader of the Cutie Three. She lives on Sweet Apple Acres with Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Babs Seed and Little Macintosh.
-Rainbow Dash is the adopted little sister of Scootaloo. She admires Scootaloo and is the leader of the Scootaloo fan club. She has a headstrong personality and enjoys teasing Rarity.
-Rarity is the little sister of Sweetie Belle. She and Sweetie Belle have a hard time getting along due to Raritys OCD and Sweetie Belles sloppiness. Rarity takes things very seriously, so she often gets angry at Rainbow Dash when she teases her.