This is one of 13 Godzilla Reborn Previews That I have planned on having posted with some help from the very talented :iconladynin-chan:
While I’m still Working on Primal Emperor King Kong…
The Mane Eque-Kyojin 6
Yes MLP will one of many series Crossing over to the Godzilla Reborn Universe but since its just starting with season 6 I’m going to add the characters from that series last. but I bet your asking why is their are 2 panels featuring the girls as humans and ponies?
Remember Equestria Girls? Of course you do its the trilogy that’s either loved by fans or outright hated by them me I’m kind of in the middle with it I could take it or leave it. since watching all 3 of the movies I had manage to figure out how to work in MLP and Equestria Girls into Godzilla reborn so in come the Eque-Kyojin
What are Eque-Kyojin? this will be somewhat of an alt mode for the mane 6 (as well as Sunset Shimmer, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Dr. Whooves, Trixie, Big Mac, Cheerilee, The CMC, Babs Seed, The Princesses, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Shinning Armor, The Cake Family, Pie sisters and Flurry Heart).
the Name is Diverted from 2 already existing names “Eque” which is short for Equestrian or Equestria and “Kyojin” which is actually a Japanese term for Giant or Titan
and no they are not going to look like these Titans:…
instead think of it as a combination of Ultraman, Magical Girl, Tokusatsu, Super Sentai, and Attack on Titan only the cast don’t look like the titans per say and they aren’t cover in silver armor like the ultras.
For their outfit big shout out to :iconsci-fiman2xxx: for the inspiration for the outfits color scheme and :iconzeldacw: for refs on their outfits designs in general…………………………