Page 1192 - Batter UpThere’s also practical problems of having two diurnal and nocturnal populations coexisting peacefully in the same settlements without disturbing each other… Luna manages it by basically having a soundproof room to herself, seems like.
Rarity: So when you say “tentative new allies”…
DM: Oh, I’ve been coming up with tons of new races for plotlines later down the line.
Rainbow Dash: Really? And you only gave us three when we were building for THIS game?
DM: Being ponies was kind of central to… the initial campaign.
Rainbow Dash: Well, alright then. Windmill-slam batpony!
DM: Uhhh… no.
Rainbow Dash: WHAT? Why not?
DM: The bat-winged ponies you saw that night – they were merely glamoured up to look like that. There is no actual distinct vampire-esque population.
Rainbow Dash: I say again: Why not?!
DM: Because! It would make certain parts of the lore not make sense! Why would Luna have felt lonely at night when there was a whole segment of the nation waking up just for her? And she’s already busy full-time protecting the dreams of the diurnal ponies, so…!
Rainbow Dash: …You’re not gonna let me be a batpony, are you.
DM: Not until they actually make sense to me.
Rainbow Dash: Uggggh.
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