Page 539 - Brink of the ChildrenThe writer side of me loves being able to use “backside,” “inconceivable,” “interloper,” “whelps,” and “physicality” all in the same page, thanks to Luna. Well, the last one’s more my theater side.How was your weekend? As for me, this season’s flu hit me like a truck. So the Fallout is Dragons episode’s gonna be delayed a bit longer while I stay in bed and cough a lot, unfortunately.
DM: So… Back in the present… After Luna’s daring rescue of Pipsqueak, with Rainbow Dash’s praise still ringing in the crowd’s ears… Pipsqueak struggles out of Luna’s grasp and shouts:
Pipsqueak: AAH! HELP! Nightmare Moon has gobbled my backside!
DM: And the kids scream and run!
Pinkie Pie: Again?!
Princess Luna: Wha- How- Inconceivable! I lowered my voice! I played the carnival games! We intercepted the interloper! And still, their hearts are not won?! Why… those… UNGRATEFUL WHELPS!!
DM: Hey! Leave my table out of this!
Princess Luna: …Sorry. It seems Luna’s character has a more… active physicality.
DM: I noticed!
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