Page 533 - Positive PressTrying to sway a passionate crowd is probably one of the toughest common social challenges in a game, short of convincing a dragon to part with some of its hoard. You have to use broad, sweeping gestures to speak to a crowd. Such gestures can easily backfire horribly if you miscalculate even slightly, and sometimes they’ll completely misinterpret what you’re saying anyway.Playing a crowd as a DM is super-easy. It’s basically one character with multiple heads. Actually, yeah; it’s the social encounter equivalent of a hydra.
DM: It isn’t long before you find Applejack’s stall.
Princess Luna: Arise, fair Applejack. We wish to-
Applejack: Woah, hold on. I ain’t bowin’ like the rest of these pansies. I don’t even give a hoot when Luna shows up.
Twilight Sparkle: I kinda figured.
Princess Luna: Oh… Well… This is surprising. Um… Twilight said you could help us fit in.
Twilight Sparkle: I did?
Applejack: Oh, yeah. Sure. Real simple. Just hang out, play games, have some fun. Keep things cool. Loosen up. Stay cas’.
Princess Luna: …We understood maybe half of those words.
Applejack: See, it’s all about exposure. Give these folk some time. Eventually, they’ll realize you’re not the monster they imagined, and they’ll come around.
Twilight Sparkle: THAT’S your plan? Play games and wait?
Applejack: Hey, it’s basic social engineering, not rocket science.
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