Starlight Glimmer forces other ponies to think like her to fit in and expects them to follow her rule without question. She is Conformity, a corruption of genuine Loyalty.
Nightmare Moon is angry that other ponies shun her night and love her sister more than her. She is Selfishness, the antithesis of Generosity.
Queen Chrysalis disguises herself as others to get close to them and drain her love to feed herself. She is Deception, the antithesis of Honesty.
King Sombra controls ponies through fear and force and seeks to conquer Equestria. He is Tyranny, the antithesis of Kindness.
Discord humiliates and manipulates other beings for his own amusement, not caring for their feelings. He is Humiliation, a corruption of Pinkie’s Laughter.
Tirek seeks to absorb all magic for himself and leave none for others. He is Anti-magic, the antithesis of Magic.