More inspiration from MU as well as venting over the fact some people can’t see past the fact my recent poster wasn’t as much a crossover as it was a motivational poster including two groups from different worlds with the same given motivation to every student whether high school or even college >>415766 Score the event+win the crown=make the grade? Most of us are back to school if I recall and even the Cutie Mark Crusaders, whether the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ones or the human ones, have a little MU spirit from what I’ve seen(great designs, by the way). No, I’m not mad, I’m taking the feedback but wishing the poster could have been acknowledged a little more.
Slugma Slugma Kappa is BEYOND just cute…I just wish that team had more recognition because Eta Hiss Hiss has a LOT of it. ^^;
Okay, backup ideas just in case the former didn’t turn out like I expected, I had been thinking of making another Equestria Girls crossover with characters from MU…last time I drew Mike Wazowski and ROR president Johnny Worthington as Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer >>366348 Then I decided to give the same treatment to other characters who rarely are given fanart at all. ^^;
:bulletblue: One of them is the EEK girl Brynn Larson, and, holy Celestia, she is PRETTY. I would give the crown to HER if such a crossover was possible in real life. :XD:
I don’t know why I think she would dress best as the humanized Rainbow Dash. Maybe because the outfit is close to her sorority’s signature color purple(I am not going to draw her in Pinkie Pie’s outfit because that dress obviously displays for the other team known as PNK), or maybe because Brynn has that certain blue skin. Or maybe it’s because of the wristbands. :lol:
Anything for my favorite team, even though in the movie they lost the second event in the Scare Games(and Oozma Kappa deserved the victory WAY more) they are still awesome as they are beautiful.
EEKestria Girls, thank you for the cross-name :icongeeligans-i-land:. :aww:
Brynn Larson from Monsters University (c) Pixar
Equestria Girls (c) Hasbro