I AM SO GODDAMN HAPPY I COULD SCREAM.I was listening to the song You’ll Play Your Part from the season finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic while trying desperately to get to sleep. But I had this image in my head. And I had to draw it.And for once, likely because I’m too tired to second-guess myself and my lines, it turned out. A rough sketch of four characters in about twenty minutes is not something I’ve accomplished in years.Thank you, Daniel Ingram, for writing such beautiful, inspirational music every season for a show that many people would have just half-assed or stuck with lousy pop-based songs.Say what you want about some of the fans; the show is excellent and still gives me lessons I need reminded of. This song being a prime example.Cadence is best princess.Uploading while I’m still too tired to change my mind.Bed now.