To be honest, I kinda was an avid Brony years ago. Nowadays I just watch the show when I can. I still like it though.
Since I heard the show will be ending sometime later, I thought I’d draw a little something as a tribute. Only in this one, I decided to feature stallions. Featured here are stallions I pretty much liked from the show. Wish I could fit more but, eh, ran out of time.
Notice that there 3 of each type of ponies here? 3 pegasi, 3 unicorns, and 3 earth ponies. I added Sandbar and Gallus because I like them.
From left to right, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Big McIntosh, Braeburn, Sunburst, Firelight, Soarin’, Thunderlane, Double Diamond, Gallus, and Sandbar.
I’m gonna miss this show. It definitely influenced me to take up Animation as my college course.
MLP (c) Hasbro
Art (c) JDE