Flash Sentry was sitting in front of the fireplace, his sapphire blue eyes lost in the red and orange flames, and a blanket wrapped around his strong and slender body. It had been, what, 12 hours since he got back here? He’s not even sure about that. Overall, he remembers riding the train, walking through Ponyville, knocking on the door, and then getting a bone-crushing hug from his wife, without forgetting the smack he got for “scaring her to death”. “I thought you’d never come back!” she said. As if…
Weeeeeell, it wasn’t his fault. Not really. Changelings had been seen around Appleloosa, and the young captain, as well as Shining Armor and a couple of soldiers, went to to investigate. 3 months. The time it had taken them. Well, now, he’s back, at the side of his special someone. Unluckily, Flash had been quite injured during his time in the southern town, and now his wife had insisted to take care of him, never-minding his multiple protestations. Now he was fully taken care of: his mare had dragged him into the bathroom and had given him a bath and wrapped his injuries with with fabric to stop the bleeding. Such a caring companion she is. He doesn’t know what he would do without her.
A pair of lilac hooves caught him from behind, and he felt her muzzle being buried in his neck. The stallion moaned. He turned his head to face her and looked deep into her violet eyes. Her magnificent violet eyes. Sentry took her in his arms as best as he could and brought her down in front of him. He then stared at his wife, laying on the crystalline floor. His beautiful, sweet wife. Princess Twilight Sparkle.
She giggled and gave him a quick peck on his lips. Flash beamed at the mare, and nuzzled her. He then leaned down and they kissed tenderly by the fireplace.
“I’m so glad you came back…” she whispered softly, breaking the kiss, her face only inches away from his.
“I didn’t have this impression earlier.” he teased her, winking. She blushed, and he laughed softly.
“S-sorry about that…” Twilight said, her cheeks turning even redder. “Been like this since a while”
“Greet people with a smack? laughs How many friends have you lost ever since?”
She buried her head in his chest and closed her eyes, sighing.
“Okay, okay, I’ll shut up.”
“It’s just that you’ve been gone for so long, so much things happened…” the princess chuckled uneasily. “I
was scared, that’s all…”
“Scared of what?” he whispered, asking her a so simple question.
“Sc-scared of… s-scared of…
“Scared. Of. What.” He repeated.
“I was scared I would have to raise him alone!” She blurted.
It took the young stallion some moments to register the information. He got up, eyes wide open, mouth hanging, staring at his mare, speechless.
“Oh. My. God. You’re… You’re not… Are you?
She smiled sheepishly.
“Oh my Celestia-HAHA!“He took her in his arms and twirled the princess around, before hugging her
tightly. They were both laughing. “I’m going to be a dad? I’M GOING TO BE A DAD” Tears rolled down his
cheeks, and hers as well. “Oh my gosh HOW DID I NOT SEE IT?! Look at you! You’re so fat!”
“Oi, watch it soldier!” she tackled him on the floor, laughing. “I can always smack you!”
“Sorry” he smiled, crying. He nuzzled her. “Oh I love you so much…”
Instead of an answer, the young princess captured his lips, and kissed him passionately.
Crappy, crappy dialogue. Sorry.
Watch me making Doctor Who references guys