Day 16, Research Project: Blue Tide
“I must apologize to myself for the pause in my studies, but I have approached a rather perplexing issue. There is a glass cabinet I use to store dry specimens brought to the lab by my assistant, Steel, and it is typically vacuum sealed. I constructed this sealing measure myself, but recently, I have seen dust collecting on a few of these specimens.”
This clearly cannot stand, so I have spent the last two days trying to reason out why or how this is happening. Short of examining the entire case and every sheet of glass for microfractures, I have not found an answer to this question. Today, I plan to rectify this, using a dress that Rubicon recommended from her wardrobe. Open, loose, slightly baggy, and relatively black-and-white to allow for ease of spotting dust on it. I have accepted her offer and replaced my sealing measure with a weak air pump. Now begins my task of seeking out the fractures.
I should invite someone to help. Perhaps Splint and Steel today, as Vegas is collecting plants for me. That should work, and I do have three of these microscope-glasses.”