
“Look Honey! She’s levitating the cookie all by herself!”
“hehe dada fly!”
“Uh, Hun. The cookie isn’t the only thing she’s levitating, uh help ^^;”
Presenting Luster Dawn! My headcannon is that Luster is the daughter of Sunburst and Starlight but I also think that them being a couple is a little too stereotypical as well as Starlight being coupled with Trixie. So I mixed it up a bit and paired Trixie with Sunburst.
So you may be wondering how I have a Starburst kid without Starburst being in my AU, well it’s simple. Starlight was a surrogate for Trixie! For I believe that a pony’s magic is linked to their ability to have children, since Trixie doesn’t have very strong magic it’s very hard for her to have children. Starlight was quick to offer being a surrogate for her best friend. As Luster is growing up, Trixie studies with her to hopefully strengthen her magic enough to be able to get pregnant and give Luster a little brother or sister. :heart:


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