
Based on the work by @midori-no-ink, all of his adorable little faces have been lovingly recreated in Astonishing HD, vector graphics!
Now with even MOAR ponies!
How long did this take me to do? Maybe a year? Two years? Pulling the sources together was probably the most difficult part. Second most difficult had to be getting them to work at both low and high resolutions.

safe2260137 artist:sollace887 derpibooru import1658232 apple bloom64393 applejack212403 big macintosh35610 bon bon19818 cheerilee11775 cozy glow11100 derpy hooves60160 discord39137 fluttershy274138 minuette7122 nurse redheart4667 photo finish3118 pinkie pie271252 princess celestia119384 rainbow dash296028 rarity230273 scootaloo62432 spike96168 sweetie drops19817 trixie83175 twilight sparkle373852 twist3285 zecora11756 alicorn429446 dragon114708 earth pony630580 pegasus698824 pony1926377 unicorn689264 zebra25632 a bird in the hoof887 applebuck season1059 boast busters1325 bridle gossip931 call of the cutie838 feeling pinkie keen1026 friendship is magic4081 green isn't your color1077 hearts and hooves day (episode)862 hurricane fluttershy1166 lesson zero1752 marks for effort1355 may the best pet win951 one bad apple1512 over a barrel913 party of one1370 party pooped901 season 12789 secret of my excess882 sonic rainboom (episode)1283 stare master784 suited for success1041 swarm of the century870 sweet and elite1029 the best night ever1793 the cutie pox731 the return of harmony2249 .svg available10553 applejack's hat14890 bedroom eyes83793 cleanest teeth in equestria11 cowboy hat25961 crying56909 derp8179 despair265 eeyup275 emotions360 emotipony64 facehoof1972 facial hair10246 female1711981 filly98786 foal48402 food103953 gasp1353 goggles18672 grin63229 halo2719 hat127221 heart76542 heart eyes25799 iwtcird1129 looking at you279837 meme95593 messy mane11258 moustache3909 muffin7766 open mouth246585 pinkamena diane pie23481 rage face500 raised eyebrow9920 sad31464 sick2106 simple background625248 smiling420994 ticket master1 tongue out152423 transparent background280484 trollestia868 vector90884 want it need it216 wavy mouth5404 wingding eyes37741 yay943


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