In the image we can see some of the workers
The Great and Powerful Trixie: when the show enters into the low season, Trixie works here for get some bits for her likes (also for but something cute to Starlight), is the novice in the group
Fluttershy: the second in charge on Pinkie’s, for regular basis, is the most wanted waitress in the restaurant. Even with her work in the sanctuary and the School of Friendship (even when she have time with Discord) she always have time for the restaurant (even some of her critters works in the backstage), she is the fanservice of the team
Fizzlepop Berrytwist (for the moment, not pictured): After her Friendship journey ends, Fizzlepop enters to the royal guard and became the first soldier in Twilight’s army. When she needs money for some gifts (for some purple princess), enters to Pinkie’s to get some bits. Is the natural leader of the Waitress team
Pinkie Pie (for the moment, not pictured): the first in charge of Pinkie’s, the owner of the place and the faster one. Pinkie always wanted some indepency after work in sugar cube corner, so, she meets Ales, her associate and owner of “La Cantina”, she gives part of her place to create Pinkie’s. is the faster of the team
Discord (not pictured for the moment): Chef of the Restaurant, his natural talent of create dishes from nothing is legendary, but also is a good natural chef. enter to Pinkie’s for two reasons: gain legal money and keep an eye to fluttershy. Not also is the most original chef in the Restaurant circle, also his bits pays the first VIP client in the restaurant, becaming the exclusive client for fluttershy’s services at the end of the journey (for the VIP client, you need to spend 34439807 bits in one service)
Pinkie’s belongs to
All characters have 21 years or more
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro