The Pony Gang, as portrayed as classic D&D classes. I wanted to draw the ponies as something I hadn’t seen yet. Of course after I started the basic sketches for this I ran into like two other pictures with this similar idea. But I’m still immensely proud of this ridiculous piece of geekery.
The unicorns are the magic users. The Pegasi are rouges. The earth ponies are warriors.
Twighlight Sparkle- She was easy enough to figure out; your classic fire-ball-spaming-hero-mage.
Fluttershy- She was the most embarrassingly hard to figure out. But then it hit me; Ranger. She comes with animal companions and everything!
Apple Jack- She was my favorite to design/draw. Somewhat based off of Dragon Age 2’s Aveline. I think she would do well in full plate as either a Paladin or Captain of the Guard.
Rarity- First, she would be the most likely to be wearing inappropriately-flowy-gauze/lace skirts on the battle field. Second, Generosity works well as a cross over with a Healer/Cleric type.
Rainbow Dash- Also pretty obvious. Duelists tend to be the fastest of the classes, and she just looks great with big puffy sleeves and thigh-high leather boots.
Pinkie Pie- Barbarian. She would be the most likely to want to go CLUBBING…. Get it?