At first I was gonna go with the idea that all these griffins are part of the same kingdom (they still are, technically), but I figure they have various tribes after all, strewn across Equestria instead of bunched up in one place.
From left to right:
Panther/Bearded Vulture - Probably not the most trustworthy individual.
Housecat/Blue Tit - He probably isn’t gonna get much bigger than this when he’s grown up ;)
Cheetah/Secretary Bird - I imagine that these guys, if they arent royalty, are at least very important missionaries. Or possibly assassin squads, quick hit and run elite soldiers. Probably both. In any case they have a special dislike for dragons.
Siberian Tiger/Gyrfalcon - Pretty seldom, notorious loners, even more so than your average griffin. I decided to combine the respective eye colours for this one.
Ocelot/Macaw - An elderly statesman whos only function seems to be to repeat what his superiors/royalty told him. A yes-man of the highest degree. Loves to raid the snack bar at official conferences. Casually cruel towards small animals.
Puma/Condor - Traditionalist, suspicious of everyone, impossible to work with.”