starry sky:hi,sis!
iridessa:hi mom and arry
trixie:are you okay?You seem worried.
iridessa:whaat?no,i’m alright
trixie:are you sure?
iridessa:yes,of course
iridessa:actually i’m not,i’m confused
trixie:about what,dear?
trixie: oh,I know everything about love.what’s the ask?
iridessa:well,it’s not a ask i think i’m felling love.
trixie and starry scream:WHAAT?!
starry:i’m so happy for you sis!
trixie:me too!
trixie: by whon?
iridessa: rarity,i now it’s bad
trixie: but why you think it’s bad?
iridessa:because she is a friend of the family so it’s my aunt!
trixie: oh,iri that Does not matter,she’s just a friend.
iridessa:are you sure?
starry:but changing the subject,you are felling love!
iridessa:do not get so excited,i’m don’t know if she loves me
starry:but that’s not a problem,she going to love you too
trixie:maybe if you call her for a date
starry:come on you can do it!and if you call her maybe a kiss happens
iridessa blushed
iridessa:stop talking things that never happened
trixie:somepony in here are getting blush
iridessakay,okay I’ll call her for a date.
to be continued…
trixie injured his horn because of the alicorn magic amulet
i hope you liked
Mlp Base#140by Frozen-heart667
iridessa belongs to MidnightDaydreamStar
iridessa pony belongs to me