Nesse contexto, as Princesas Alicornios são as matriarcas e diamantes de Homeworld, diferente da Branco que tinha como ideal espalhar sua perfeição pelo cosmos, as Diamantes/Alicornios pretendem espalhar a harmonia, restaurando e preservando a vida em suas “colônias”
•Rarity é inspirada em uma gem descartada
•Fluttershy “serve” a Rarity, porém as pérolas não são desvalorizadas como em SU
•Discordia, é algo similar as gems agrupadas porém não é fruto de um experimento
•Twilight talvez seja mais do que uma simples Safira 💎🔄
MLP/EQG x Steven Universe
Mane six/seven Gemsonas
Just like the gemsonas from The Owl House, this version also has a certain “lore”, but different, the Diamond Authority (Alicorn Queens) are good, so the gems could have a different purpose, instead of expanding perfection they would expand harmony
✨Twilight Sparkle as Purple Star Sapphire - Unlike conventional sapphires, it is even rarer having even more powerful psychic abilities such as telekinesis, she is able to predict cosmic events and even offer insights into the Future of the cosmos, being Celestia’s personal advisor (Sun Diamond?)
❤️🔥Sunset Shimmer as Star Ruby - different from conventional rubies, She is assigned tasks that involve extreme heat, such as maintaining stars, her abilities useful in situations that require extreme temperatures, or manipulating sources of stellar energy. usually accompanied by Purple Star Sapphire in her tasks as he still performs the role of soldier
💎 Rarity as Tiffany Stone - an elite designer from the Diamonds, her exceptional talent ensures that every aspect of the empire is visually stunning and functional in fashion, murals, ornaments, clothing and technology. her generosity overflows into each creation
🦋 Fluttershy as Pearl - she plays the role of assistant and also protector of organic life, her kindness and affection makes her beloved by the “animals” so she preserves the harmony between the gems and organic life
🎈 Pinkie Pie as Spinel - responsible for organizing big dances and parties, maintaining the self-esteem and good mood of the gems with joy, making them carry out their duties with relaxation and happiness
🍎Applejack as Apple Jasper - an extremely strong, honest and courageous quartz soldier, uses her strength to face the chaos, discord and shadows of the empire of harmony
⚡Rainbow Dash - Phoenix Lapis Lazuli, with her abilities she is responsible for making the climate habitable for both gems and organic life, being a loyal companion to her group of gems she was assigned to on a mission