So yeah, this is what the guest agents would look like as ponies alongside the curfew bots and yeah.. I know that the curfew bot is basically a recolor of my Guesty ponified design but Guesty in the roblox film is literally a curfew bot but with blue eyes and a smile drawn on his face :p
You might notice that one of the agent ponies (the pegasus one) has a short tail kinda like the ponified Xavion and Kenzie design I did a while back, well I did that one purpose.. Both Xavion, Kenzie and pegasai agents purposely cut their tails short to avoid any enemy from grabbing it while they take off in the air.
And if you’re wondering why there’s an earth pony agent, well, he’s still useful like yeah he can’t fly or even use magic but he makes up for it in hoove combat and speed.