Hey there! This is a mod for Stardew Valley that replaces the Goat with the very milkable Applejack!
There is both a nude and cowprint version of her for you to choose from, both tested and should work just fine! I’ve included a README to explain the intallation, requiring nothing more than a simple copy-paste.
Want to use this mod! Get it right here: [DROPBOX]
This mod only replaces the adult goat, and the baby goat is unaffected.
This mod is a companion mod to Eight’s original Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie mod replacer for the cows, and used their work as a base. So all credit to them for the original design!
Do you want Eight’s original mod as well? Here you go: [DROPBOX] or Wolfnanaki’s link: [DRPOBOX]
Any problems, just leave a comment. I may want to look into modding more animals as well, but haven’t decided anything yet. Feedback is welcome!