Here’s a drawing for Prompt #12, Draw a pony exploring a place lost to legend / Draw a pony off the beaten path
In this fanart takes place in another universe of Equestria..or what the residents there think it’s Equestria…(hint, look at the tags)…
Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were just walking around, till Twilight fell into a cave. While exploring, she found what seems to be a very odd skeleton unlike anything that she has ever seen. The skull next to it has about 32 teeth, and has some medium size eyes unlike a regular pony skull. It also has a very small muzzle, according to twilight. There seems to be pieces of some ribcage, which is bigger than anypony that she has ever seen, alongside what seems to be an odd spinal cord.
She also found an odd glowing object on a rock, and decided to take it as well for research, already knowing that taking anything from the ruins of old could lead to punishments…
Kinda inspired by this piece: >>1130959t
credits is to kucoslaw