Original Description:
Here we see the culmination of everything I have designed so far into one building, based on what Dreamy liked. The “Spherical Penthouse” is the “Penthouse Aviary 3.0”, merged with the “Spherical House” from Page 3 and the idea of the “Bubble House” from Page 4, culminating in this large, spherical, tiered, up-market housing. This design was built upon from here on, but never really changed. Below it is a breakdown of how the internal structure was laid out; starting from the top with an observation platform, moving down to the upper-glass-tier with the private quarters, then down to the lower-glass-tier and living quarters, which then leads to a typically inaccessible level for mechanical maintenance, and down to the landing platform, below which is only the lift’s mechanisms.
Besides this main design is another attempt at the “Apartment Complex” from Page 4, this time on a slant for improved privacy, and a few interior furnishings, such as a specially-shaped bed for Pegasi’s wings, and a 60’s/70’s aesthetic styled light fixture and shower. This retro style wasn’t something Dreamy particularly liked, but accepted it as my artistic direction, which I thought encapsulated the sky-centric designs of the species, and would offset the skyscape through all the windows with some nice earth tones.