way back when i made this head-cannon that the 3 different races of ponies had different types of leaderships before they all mixed, and that the ponies that held the highest levels of power had the biggest statures, unicorns and pegasi could go up to celestia size while earth ponies only went up to luna size, but idk lol
earth ponies had like a sort of democracy: deputies, chairmen (chairpony lol), secretaries, representatives, ambassadors, mayors, governor, chancellor, chiefs, delegates, vice presidents, president lol
pegasi had military ranking: private, sergeant, commander, lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, general
unicorns had a monarchy: lady/lord, baron/baroness, count/countess, marquess/marchioness, duke/duchess, prince/princess. queen/king, and emperor/empress if they were in an empire like the crystal empire
i know the order isnt perfect and i missed a few but thats the gist of it. even though there technically cant be two queens in a single monarchy i wanted celestia and luna to both be queens because yes. because i want celestia and luna to be equal. and then twilight goes from princess to queen and then cadence goes from princess before marriage to empress when she rules the empire and yea
im thinking now like “how did the tribes defend themselves from each other then if only the pegasi were an army?” so ill just say its because the other two were more focused on brains that brawn, and the earth ponies had deputies and officers while unicorns had knights idk but yea