After capturing their new human pets, Celestia decides to get herself a pet of her very own choosing. With confiscated Portal Gun in her possession, Celestia opens a portal to the Human World to pick out the “lucky” human to her new best friend.
In the meantime, Rarity is relaxing at the local café in the city. Completely unaware of the fate that awaits her…
Rarity: “So this is our lives now… Trapped as hamsters in a cage. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this!”
Rainbow Dash: “It’s not all bad. There’s cakes as big as mountains.”
Celestia is taking her interest in collecting tiny humans to a rather disturbing level, isn’t she? She may mean well, but humans aren’t really fond of being kidnapped and made to be pets. She and Luna might’ve won Rainbow and Pinkie over, but will Rarity easily follow suit? Things are looking bleak ^^;
Hopefully Celestia and Luna will find pity and release our tiny heroes. But only time will tell…