While Applejack is making a delivery to Appleloosa, Rainbow is solving a friendship problem in Cloudsdale and Sweetie Belle is with her big sister and mother are away on holiday, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo spend the week with their mothers, Pear Butter and Windy Whistles. However, just like their big sisters, the two mares start getting competitive, much to the dismay of the two fillies! Thankfully after Pear and Windy accidentally lose their wagons while climbing a hill, the two remaining crusaders race to the rescue. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo did such a great job, their mothers are so proud of them and give them both a hug, promising their daughters that they would never be competitive again.
Pear: Thank you, girls! You save our deliveries!
Windy: We could have been in trouble if we had lost ‘em! Oh, we’re so proud of you two!
Apple Bloom: Oh, that’s alright.
Scootaloo: We crusaders must help our families out whatever happens.
Both Pear and Windy start leaking tears of happiness
Apple Bloom: Mama?
Scootaloo: Mom? Why are you two crying?
Windy: Smiling tearfully You’re both growing up so fast…!
Pear: Also smiling tearfully You’re just like your sisters…!
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: Blushing Aw, Mama!/Mom!
Pear and Windy: Give me a hug!
The two fillies run over to their mother and the four of them share hug
Apple Bloom: I love you, Mama!
Pear: I love you, my little apple dumpling!
Scootaloo: You’re awesome, Mom!
Windy: You’re the awesome one, my little angelcake!
Pear: We promise that we’ll never be competitive again.
Windy: Never again.
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: You Pinkie Promise?
Both mothers smile warmly
Pear and Windy: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.
The two fillies smile and continue hugging their moms