Emerald asks if she maybe wants a book or something. She should ask Joyride to teach her. Even though he isn’t sure if Joyride has any sort of sight to them at the moment, it’s best to be sure. Emerald asks the bee not to tell anyone that they were here, and she agrees.
Emerald asks the wasp if she is sure she wouldn’t want to check out the library or any of the rooms in the house. That probably wouldn’t get her killed.
“That’s alright. Joyride made it clear that I should stay in the pool for the sake of my future hive.
Emerald frowns slightly and asks if she is sure.
“Yes. I’m alright. Thank you for your concern, future king.” She says with a nod and a smile.
Emerald and Ruby leave soon afterwards.
Ruby picks another key, and it goes to the fire room that Emerald remembers from before. The same one that Joyride tried to throw his amulet into. The filly then hands the keys to Emerald.
What does Emerald do?
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