Hiked up to this butte, cross country (off trail) from the main trail. The trail is remote, rugged, but beautiful. There were two rockfall events during my time up there, while capturing time lapse footage for the Equestria: Into the Wild film.
Stayed until sunset, and hiked back the majority of the distance back after dark. Interestingly, a creek that was dry across the trail, was running high after dark. I never noticed crossing it on the way up. There were two major creek crossings, other than the one I encountered on the way down at night. The second, Crofton Creek, was set in an impressive debris chute.
It took me four attempts, and 3 years, to finally make it to the top. While not a technically challenging peak, I was stopped by spring snow, inclement weather (wind and rain in a forest burn area is probably not a good idea, lol), and lack of daylight. This is a great hike, and I will no doubt hike it again.
And as always, Flutterbat joined me for the hike. Here she is enjoying the view.