“Fluttershy! Please say your home!” Twilight knocked on the cottage door as fast as possible. The sound of soft hoove steps followed as Twilight breathed a still panicked sigh of relief.
“Twilight, how can I help you,” she paused, “Are you ok?”
“I got this letter from someone, well Chrysalis, I think not sure, she said that she said that there are foals in the forest and it’s hers and Shining,” she took a moment to breathe, “Now I didn’t believe it at first but then-”
“You thought what if there were foals abandoned in Everfree?” Fluttershy interjected getting nervous herself thinking of the tyrant queen. Twilight nodded her face a grimace.
“Can you help me?”
Guess who had enough braincells to actually write and storyboard something for once in their life!!! It’s me-
Anyways, Prepare for more story stuff soon ^^
Oh also Twilight looks diffrent from my normal twilight redesign (hair wise) since this story takes place during season 4 before Twilight gets her castle so Twilight isn’t a big princess yet ^^