Death Drive - less commonly known by her real name, Pale Moon - was possibly one of Innocent Sun’s most notable adversaries, being a rival of sorts, and a fellow user of the forgotten dark arts of Infernal Magic. Her eyes are always sullen - lifeless, yet full of contempt. Her dress hides her Cutie Mark, so it’s possible that she made it that way to hide the fact that she doesn’t have one. She can be considered Innocent Sun’s equivalent to Starlight Glimmer.
Her design is heavily, HEAVILY inspired by Margaret Moonlight from No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (who just so happens to be voiced by Tara Strong, Twilight Sparkle’s voice actor), hence why I gave Death Drive a gothic-lolita look (which, if you knew me, you’d know I’d never do EVER outside of a design for a character inspired by Margaret). Her personality (especially in the first chapter in which she appears) is inspired by the lyrics of “Philistine”, the theme of Margaret. In the game, despite her being relatively nice to Travis, the lyrics of the song constantly insult him, going so far as to call him a “goddamn pussy”. While not being that extreme, I made Death Drive have a similar venom in her words. You might think that her name having “death” in it may be related to Margaret’s title of being the goddess of death, but it’s actually a reference to the Freudian term for all humans’ innate drive for the death/destruction of things. I thought it was fitting (although it’s obviously pretty edgy-sounding) for a character whose goal was (formerly) to kill a character that would end up saving the world from destruction multiple times. I decided to draw her standing up here for no reason. Just because I felt like it, I suppose.