“Okay, one last time - for real. My name’s Spike, I got bit by a radioactive spider and for the past few weeks I’ve been the one and only Flame Weaver! I had to learn to be a hero fast, and it wasn’t easy but someone had to! I ignite hope in the hearts of the people in my city!”
Flame Weaver has, well, fire powers, that he’s learning how to use! Different flame colors mean different things: the main one being green fire to teleport himself, or whatever he aims it toward and orange fire to ignite and scorch targets.
His webs can catch fire and as a result when he swings, he has to keep in mind that metal will bend and warp and melt with his webs so he has to be careful and as he learns, his swing style takes that into account.
He also can shoot blue fire that crystalizes, which he used to make the crystal spikes on his suit in order to provide protection and defense as he is still learning to fight, and needs to have his back protected. His suit is based on the colors of the Dragon Lord staff, and can withstand the many hot temperatures he’s running while fighting.
The spiderbite gave him slight augmentations, such as heightened hearing (represented by pointed ears), sharper teeth and scales on his extremities (hidden well by baggy clothing). He has to be careful, as his fingers can turn into sharp claws (that he learns to use to climb)