These are ALL 2 month old sketch dumps I’ve had in my notebook for a long time. Soooo I’ve thought of mixing sum of it in so I can color later—
Soo, I’ve decided to fully ship Twilight and Sunset together instead of Flash. Because of some people doing cute shipping art of these two and their cool chemistry. *looks at :iconlittle-tweenframes: *
Aaaand with the magic of horse breeding, they had a son, Night Ryder. Yay…
Really really REALLY GOOD PUNNY “Yolk” about Twi being an egghead slaps knee and laughs hysterically No? ….K then.
If if you can’t read it’s:
Sunset: My, Twi, for an egghead, you’re quite Egg-ceptional…. Huehue
Twi: God that was terrible.
Ryder: Really, mom?
Flash Sentry miraculously is made Captain of the Royal Guards because of Shining Armor’s early retirement to spend time with his family. Flash can be a pushover, especially with his ex’s son, because he wants to be a guard someday. That’s why I hate him, but love to make him seem like a dick. :33
Gwumpy Maleficent with a mistletoe attached to her antlers :33 (Daughter of Dislestia)
Gwumpy Snow Bolt (from being jealous of Picture 5 Daughter of Soarindash)
Sora and Wind Song examine a butterfree (Children of Soarindash)
Ryder’s gorgeous two Moms Sunset and Twi
First ever DoD picture I drew after episode 3. I hate how Discord looks in this lol
How I imagined Soarin and Dash’s wedding would be like. Not so serious and goofy looking. Also, this is how they would share their wedding cake by smearing it on each other >333