Quote: “As much as it came to define who I became, I don’t really miss being an officer of the Royal Guard. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of positives- I was well paid, respected, and had great comrades. Tartarus, in 30 years of service, I even got some medals, would you believe it…”
“But then you remember what you had to do to EARN that stuff, and the brothers and sisters that never came home…”
“So this is why tonight, you and I are gonna go get a drink or two at the bar, and then we’re gonna hit a nightclub to dance our troubles away all night long.”
Morningstar is a 48 year old pegasus mare, formerly of Cloudsdale, who now lives in the Merchant’s Quarter of Canterlot City, and is a retired Royal Guard. She doesn’t work, and is instead living comfortably off of her service pension. She is a troubled mare, but is doing the absolute best she can to force her way past it.
Normally quite friendly, if a little standoffish, Morningstar has a very real tendency to drop into sullen depression, laced with occasional flashbacks of combat from her military days. She is medicated and having Crown-mandated therapy, though despite all of this, she will still occasionally have what she calls “a bad day.”
Despite being haunted by the ghosts of her service, she is slowly getting better at coping and managing her condition, and these “bad days” are becoming fewer and further between. Naturally, she is hoping that this positive trend continues for the rest of her life.
Physically, Morningstar is tall, slim, and has a very powerful set of wings for an adult pegasus mare. As a pony that has been working out for almost her whole life, she is in prime physical condition, despite her advancing age. The only issue that is creeping in is arthritis, but despite that, and her numerous scars, she still looks like a mare half her age.
It is noted that Morningstar was one of the ponies that experienced the Changeling Invasion of Canterlot City first hoof, and was one of a number of ponies engaged in constant running skirmishes with Changeling drones.
Unlike many of the ponies she fought alongside, she was neither captured, nor seriously injured during the brief conflict- her armour taking ridiculous amounts of punishment, but never yielding. Morningstar is much the same.
Now retired, and having taken a vow of pacifism at the hooves of Princess Celestia herself, she is just trying to enjoy her life and stop herself from thinking too much. She can often be found training in one of Canterlot’s many gyms, or flying high-altitude circuits above the city.
It is hard to truly get to know this mare, as she has a tendency to subconsciously put up metaphorical walls, but as mentioned above, for the most part she is at least respectful, polite and friendly. Naturally, she doesn’t give her trust easily- but it is not impossible to gain.
When it comes to more personal matters, Morningstar is a full-on bisexual xenophile, and will never consider a pony as a partner. She does not understand why she feels this way about relationships with ponies, only that she does.
She has had a few short flings and one-night stands since her retirement, but is now looking to get into a proper relationship at long last. At her age, it is unlikely that she will be able to have foals of her own, so she would absolutely consider adoption if she can get to grips with her mental health issues.
To close out this section, Morningstar is a switch when it comes to the bedroom, and will take dominant or submissive roles depending on how she feels. Any prospective partner must treat her with patience, care, and respect, and be prepared to go at her pace- being rushed into anything is a massive turn-off for her, and she is not afraid to slap someone that pushes her too far.