“Das Bose“ when translated from German means “The Evil”
This is a pic I made to use as a Thumbnail for a Villain Music Video I also made (that I’m probably going to remake…eventually)
Said video: youtu.be/fKGA-ECIpIU
I decided to try and make it look Ominous and only show the Villains Eyes in this pic. Why? Idk, I thought it cool.
It took a while to draw due to having to shade in all that blackness on Paper. Not to mention decide which Villains (or at least their eyes) would be featured (I only used the ones who actually appear in the vid I made) and having enough room on the paper to even draw them.
And as for the Coloring process? Oh man, that was even harder to do! What with all the different outlining and Coloring Styles the characters had! And then when that mess was over with, I had to constantly rearrange or resize the eyes to have them fit and not look awkwardly placed.
Hopefully I did a good enough job.
Oh, and one last thing, The first one to name all the villains (Which shouldn’t be to hard) featured here, gets a cookie or something. Idk lol