Original Description:
Done in as close to G1 style as I could manage without screaming.
Because, sweet stars, these mares were Badass back in their day! They deserve a little fanart!What am I talking about? Well, look though this tumbler [link] to see some comic scans, or check out the Twilight tag [link] which has some of my favorite stories~But as a rundown, here’s what these two friends got up to.Queen Majesty of Dream Castle: Quote, “Start Operation Troll!”
Turned her opponents into trees, manipulated them into thwarting their own plans, trapped them in snow globes, turned them into foam, sent them packing under an eternal raincloud… Or waited for them to try to trap her ponies via living picture- and then painted them out of existence!
Also, uses trolltastic tactics to teach her subjects obedience and manners. (Re: ‘Too Many Apples’ and ‘Baby Lucky Disobeys’)Twilight: Quote, “I will give a star to make a wish come true…”
Controls stars and can freaking grant your wishes! She’s also shy, usually only seen after dark and surrounded by a thick fog, but never hides from Majesty and will even come out in daylight if the Queen calls.
Good example of her being awesome? A friend of hers hosts a party and invites everyone BUT a certain group of witches. One witch sneaks in anyway, and gets her revenge by turning everyone to stone…
… except Twilight, who just laughs. She then uses the stars to turn back time, so not only didn’t today happen yet, but it won’t ever happen, because the witches are now first on the list of invitees!I know the FiM fandom will likely never regress to these comics…. but I’m soooo glad I did~