0:04 Inspector Mare:
I always speculate from the get-go, but I just brushed it off as socially-shy nervous jitters….I just never knew now much of an extent she would conspire with such a devious criminal like her….
Deputy Mare: And yet I still wonder why the Sheriff ever hired an inspector like you, sister…
0:12 Inspector Mare:
Don’t blame this on yourself, Detective! You did all she could to find that alicorn with the limited resources she had!
Deputy Mare:
THERE you go again, always defending somepony, no matter how much of a buck-up they are at their job! Perhaps if you were a little less lenient in your interrogation and followed your instincts,you would’ve threw Misty’s flank in the Zephyr Heights dungeon for damaging private property from the Royal library!
Then we would’ve not get caught up in Misty’s trap, and actually take down the suspect before she reaches her final stage of whatever horrid plan she has for us…
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