18.11.2038 from the Accession of the Sisters
Equus-2, Abessinia
The big snow-white cat looking out of the window with a mixture of thoughtfulness and sadness. There was a beautiful view of the capital of his country, and how alien boats circled over it. Sometimes ships falling out from low gray clouds, then going into this veil like a candle, dragging a steam cone and a rolling roar behind them.
And Starry Veil, a unicorn diplomat of smooth silver color with a dark lilac sparkling mane, only smiled sweetly at him in response.
It was hard for Ryss Snow, the king of Abessinia.
He did not like the way his country was gutted, taking away what was honestly acquired earlier. He did not like the way those equas who rightfully belonged to his subjects, common burghers, merchants and aristocracy were taken to their homeland! Equas, for which it was paid in full-fledged gold, which no one was going to compensate!
But the news that both Sisters are back in force and the video recording of the last minutes of Dainn produced an effect similar to the ыдфыр of minotaur two-handed sword on the king himself and the House of Lords. None of them wanted to substitute their furry skins for x-ray lazers, so the edict on the immediate release of all “contract workers” was written out and published on the magical stationery network in the blink of an eye.
So that, as Starry Veil put it, there would be arguments other than infantry beam rifles.
Starry never told the government of Abessinia that the military worked here with an order to avoid killing as much as possible. Because the cats were not in league with the caribou, and the owners still took care of the slaves much better than the deer.
True, no one said anything about grenades with catnip and valerian, so the online storages were quickly replenished with very interesting records, which, with luck, it would be possible to gently blackmail someone from the Abessinian elite.