Original Description:
Onyx fingers curled around the neck of the crystalline bottle. A sickly green magical funnel formed around the rim and a ladle full of potion was raised to it. Slowly and delicately the liquid poured out of the ladle and into the crystal container. Chrysalis continued to take spoonful after spoonful until a faint wisp of pink smoke steamed from the bottle.“A potion for the queen of the Crystal Empire. One that will boost her beauty forever more. For a brief time at least… then she’ll come back to me, begging for more!” the changeling witch mused. Her green eyes watched the liquid within swirl as Chrysalis slowly spun the bottle’s bottom. She moved to cork it but paused before the container was sealed. A frown crossed her lips. What if it didn’t work? What if this potion didn’t perform as designed? Her brewing technique was perfect but doubt gripped her mind.“Best to get a small sampling. The tiniest taste of its power~” Chrysalis chuckled and raised the bottle to her lips. With the precision of surgeon, she tipped a mere two drops onto her forked tongue. Then the bottle was sealed as Chrysalis swallowed.The potion took effect immediately. Heat coursed within the onyx chitinous body and Chrysalis’s fingers twitched with magic and pleasure. She felt on top of the world, like nothing could stop her as the enchantment within built. However, the magic coalesced within her bosom and began to grow! The already large melons swelled outwards as onyx flesh shivered with the potion’s enchantment.“Yes! More! More! MORE!” Chrysalis let out a nearly primal moan of pleasure as her black orbs grow larger even faster! Within seconds her breasts were massive but gravity proved to be no threat thanks to the might of the potion. Chrysalis hefted one breast up then let it fall to the floor with a loud thud that made the windows shudder. She licked one cheek as magical pink saliva oozed down the onyx chin. The emerald eyes took in her new form with nothing short of adoration.“Mmhmm~ Cadance will be quite happy with this…On the other hand, who am I to deny my own indulgences? I can always make another.”