celestia !! she is the goddess of the sun, and ruler of equestria with luna before twilight takes over
heres my story for how she ascended :
her and luna were normal unicorn sisters, luna having melanism and that being why she is a darker color. it took multiple very powerful unicorns to raise the moon and the sun, and after a while there just werent enough left. equestria was left in eternal darkness until the sisters found out their powers were raising the moon and the sun, they both ascended and gained their cutiemarks at the same time. its why she has a little moon symbol in her cutiemark and im planning on giving luna a little sun somwhere !! after luna was banished for a thousand moons, celestias mane and feathers turned a more sunset-y color since she had to raise the moon too.
more headcanons:
after thousands of years she partially lost her eyesight, so she mostly sees people by their auras
her and luna are the first alicorns to ever exist
after luna returned, they became very close. they love spending time together when they can
despite being the ruler of equestria and the goddess of the sun, she is very introverted and shy
she is very sweet to everyone around her
she loves visiting little towns and cheering the people there up
she stopped shaving her little goatee after a while cause she liked the way it looked, its a traditional unicorn trait
btw im very very sorry for my spelling errors n stuff!! my english isnt the best, i tried