Lately I’ve been reading a lot of fanfiction about the EG universe, as a result I had a dream where all the different plots from the fanfiction I read were mixed up. In general, it was another delusional dream, but I liked one scene so much that I wanted to draw it. The scene itself looked something like this: there is some kind of struggle between the villains and the good ones, everyone is tense, Sunset is a little injured and during the struggle sci-twi and a double of Sunset Shimmer from the human world fall on her. Clone Sunset laughs and says, “Wow, two beauties fell on you at once, you got lucky” with a clear hint of shipping. To which Sunset just wearily tells her to shut up. In the art, I changed a couple of details, but left the general concept. Now I want a fanfic where they have a threesome😥