Original Description:
I’m probably gonna get unwatched by a few people for this…But yay, first post of 2017!This is a gift/trade thing for a good friend of mine over on deviantART, involving his dragon character Dark enjoying the leftovers of her most recent meal.So, uh… I drew implied fatal vore. Now, before you all get offended or anything, don’t worry, this won’t become a regular thing, and non-fatal vore will always be my preference. It’s just that I wanted to draw something a little darker (no pun intended) to kinda see how and if I could even make it look decent. Plus, Jester’s characters employ the more fatal side of vore, and I wanted to keep the picture canon with the character.And don’t worry, I made an alternate implied non-fatal version without the bulges for those of you who are squeamish. I’ll link that version
Here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22491002/
And here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22491035/But I’m really happy with the way this picture turned out. I’ve never attempted to draw a pony with dragon features, nor have I ever attempted the sort of pose I implemented with this picture. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me the proportions of a dragon’s foot in the MLP style, especially combined with the odd pose I went with, so I ended up just copying the feet from the ref sheet of the character I drew, hence why they look so wonky. The style in which the belly is drawn was sorta inspired by me finding all those old tracings I’d done over the years. For the bones, I looked at a few references to get them looking right. This picture started off troubling but ended up turning out great, just like normal. I know this is a bit different from what I normally draw, but I hope you enjoy it.Dragon Dark © her owner
Art © me