Original Description:
Published: Oct 5, 2011
So this was a totally new experiment for me. This was drawn using solely the brush tool in Sai. No erasing or undo was allowed. The only parameters I ever changed were color and brush size.This is especially new for me as there was no real sketch; just more paint underneath. In all it’s just caked on like a cheap whore’s makeup.As such this is entirely a new work and style for me, so critique on it would be super appreciated as I have never even studied this way of doing things. ^^;I’m also aware that this is a bit tangential to the ATG theme so I’ll be trying again later this week. (My original idea just didn’t want to play out and this thing kinda developed organically as I was trying to model something better.) So if it doesn’t apply just deny it.And now I’m off to bed seeing as I have to be up for work in checks clock 5 hours.