Snips: Would you girls like some fruit smoothies?
Trixie: Ew!
Adagio: Uh, better question… why are you handing them to us with your BUTT?
Snips: slight laugh Because it’s more CREATIVE annnd… embarrassed tone Snails dared me to.
(Adagio and Trixie look in his direction with WTF? expression to which he just looks back with a smug smile and a shrug)
Trixie: Well, feel free to drink those fruit smoothies yourselves because we DON’T want them. gags
(Adagio puts her arm around Trixie’s shoulders and they walk away leaving Snips all alone with his butt still in the air, holding the two fruit smoothies; Snails starts laughing)
Snips: glares at him I hate you.
This drawing is inspired by the scene in “Boast Busters” where Snips was offering Trixie a smoothie with his flank. Decided to draw a sort of EqG version of it with an AdaXie twist. :heart: I really love drawing AdaXie fan art.
Also, just as a bit of background, first of all Snips and Snails were never Trixie’s “minions”. In fact, my version of Trixie is not full of herself and is a lot nicer. So in my way of seeing Equestria Girls, before Snips started dating Applebloom (I ship SnipsBloom), he had a crush on Trixie despite the fact that he knew very well that she was unattainable since Trixie’s with Adagio. And Snails loves to tease about it and Snails dared Snips to do this (possibly black mail?). This probably seems really out of character for Snails but being that Snails is another character with very little character development, I prefer to portray him as a little bit smarter than how he’s portrayed in the series.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is (C) Hasbro Studios