New reference sheet for pony Dozy! I wanted to add more information on the page but it looked too cluttered so I’ll share it here instead: Dozys wings are a bit smaller and an odd shape for a Pegasus. They’re on the smaller side and fairly wedge shaped, and while they help her to maneuver through the air more easily they’re quite bad for soaring and long distance. She has to flap them quite hard to stay in the air which makes a loud buzzing or humming sound, similar to a humming bird or a large insect. The fluff on her chest is a mix of soft fur and small feathers and down. It fluffs up when angry or scared. She has sharp canines, an uncommon but not too rare feature for ponies. Her light pupils are from her half changeling heritage, as is her sprout. Her sprout is a chunky and round leaved little thing, and replaces what would be a horn. She can use it as a focus to cast spells as a unicorn or changeling would use their horn. Her magic is pink like her eyes. Another tidbit is her tail curls around her blank flank from a birth defect, not a force of habit to hide her flank. She was very self conscious of having no cutie mark as a filly, but doesn’t think much of it as an adult unless its brought up.