Original Description:
Published: January 2, 2023
I wanted to play around with couples in my Cutie Mark AU, starting with Cumelo (Rainbow Dash) and Big Mac!
Since starting on the farm, Big Mac helped Cumelo know the ropes on what to do to take care of the land and crops. Spending lots of time together, they would hang out more and more together, almost becoming inseparable. They ended up becoming husband and wife down the years and had a few foals!
Jona Gold: The oldest daughter to Cumelo and Big Mac, graceful and smart beyond her years. She helped her parents on the farm whenever she can, as well as her little brother in his studies.
Cortland: The youngest son to Cumelo and Big Mac, always seeking adventure and trouble. Hates chores but secretly loves cooking and sports.
(And yes, named after apple varieties)