Original Description:
“Hey Mom! I want that one!”
“What kind of toys are they selling here!?”
Well… this was a bit of a fun concept and was partially inspired by a very old artwork I did of a child dragging their mother around to look at halloween decorations. Maybe some of you out there are old enough of watchers to remember it. I really should revisit that one in proper soon. but still, this time I got the idea for some boxed up and encased “toys” on display. Look at those proportions and paint aplications. They say fully articulated, but I don’t even see the joints. lol. Could they be MORE than just display items? lol. Seems like there’s only ever one of each design as well. talk about your collector’s nightmare. They always start earlier every year, don’t they. lol. It doesn’t help that this particular toy looks exactly like the local school teacher, Miss Cheerilee.